Continues to Visit Ethan and the Two Crippled Women After the Accident

James the Apostle


John the Apostle

John the Baptist



Right Hand Man


Crippled Woman





Rich Young Ruler


Mary Magdalene







Luke is the story of the life of Jesus of Nazareth. It tells of his origin, life, teachings, ministry and miracles. It tells of his death, burial, resurrection, and ascension to heaven. Consequently, Luke may be the most informative book in the Bible.

The Luke Series is a set of narrations based on the Bible's book of Luke. Luke said that in writing his book that he investigated everything before writing
Luke. His investigation included examining written materials and talking to eyewitnesses. This series is meant to imitate some of the stories Luke might have heard, as well as explore their meaning and importance. This series is true to the Bible, but fills in story lines based on history, geography, and imagination. Think of this series as being similar to a movie based on the book of Luke.

This series presumes that the author of Luke is Luke, a doctor who was a good friend and companion of Paul. That presumption sets the stage for Luke being able to correctly assess the veracity of the birth accounts of both John the Baptist and Jesus, and to understand their importance, both physically and spiritually. Don't you imagine Luke, a doctor, was hesitant to write about miracles? But he believed in them to the point that he started his book with two miracle stories that could only be considered unlikely, if not outlandish.

Martha, the Crippled Woman and a Gardener

It would be easy to read the Gospels and conclude that Jesus spent all of his time with his apostles, infrequently mingling with other people while he taught or healed them. These stories are meant to convey a different picture.

Somehow, Jesus met the family of Lazarus, Mary, and Martha and spent enough time with them to become close friends. It is likely that Jesus stayed in many homes as he traveled, so it seems likely that he made other close friends too.

At another point in time, Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. From the stories about this family, it appears they were well off financially. In this episode about Martha, it is likely she could have afforded servants to serve everyone instead of doing it herself. That fact that she didn't may say more about her personality than about her financial status.

In this video episode of Martha, the part of the story up to when Jesus chastises Martha is in the Bible. After that, the story represents one possible reaction that Martha might have had. The Bible does not say what Martha's reaction actually was.

In the modern world, celebrities surround themselves with armed bodyguards to keep away the crowds. There is some evidence to conclude that Jesus' followers did try to keep the crowds away from Jesus on occasion, but other stories lead to the conclusion that Jesus came to be in contact with many other people outside of his group.

The crippled woman fought through the crowds just to get near Jesus. It was obvious she had faith, and she was healed. It was good news that God cared about her. However, the chapter starts out with the story of Pilate killing Galileans. God cared about them, too, but did not choose to save them. The apostles must have struggled with those types of incongruities.

In the Parable of the Narrow Door, Jesus makes it clear that many Jews who think they are righteous will not be saved, while many non-Jews will be saved. This must have come as quite a shock to Jews who thought they had exclusive favor of God.

There is a subtle message in Jesus' reply to the Pharisees in Luke 13:32-33. Herod Antipas is probably in Tiberias, on the Sea of Galilee, and is threatening Jesus once again. Jesus knows the time for his death is near, so he no longer has to avoid Herod and his threats since he is leaving Galilee for the last time. He is going to Jerusalm.



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